At World Relief we wanted to highlight the power and impact of saying yes. Yes to supporting saving groups, yes to help start farms, and yes to making a change. As the Lead Art Director on this project, I concepted the design and directed the photography. I even took the photo of the mom carrying her child on a trip to Rwanda.
Food is the foundation
At Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), food is the foundation to feeding kids, feeding spirits and empowering communities. As the designer on this Annual Report I worked not only with the photographers but also with the programs and content staff to be able to highlight the stories and stats in the various countries that FMSC serves.
AAPI - I am a american
At the beginning of Asian America Pacific Islander Month, tragedy hit Atlanta, that incident kicked off Asian Americans across the country sharing their own story of racism. At Willow we wanted to create a video that highlighted the history of Asians in America as well as state that they (we) are American, it’s on the same level as our other characteritics, father/mother, creative, American. I was the creative director on this project and worked with a filmmaker to produce this video. I also took the portraits of the people featured at the second half of the video. I also provided the voiceover.
160 Years of empowering families
Metropolitan Family Services (MFS) celebrated 160 of empowering families in the Chicagoland area. I was the designer and Art Director on this Annual Report. I concepted the stories that MFS would tell. I worked with a writer and freelance photographer to tell the stories of some of the families that have been empowered by MFS.
MUSEUM Of science and industry - entrance Banners
I always get asked, out of all the projects I’ve worked on, what has been my favorite. The entrance banners at the Museum of Science and Industry has always been my answer. They are easily the largest projects I’ve worked on, measuring four stories high. The banners range from full design concepts to using imagery provided by the feature exhibit. Either way, installation day was always my favorite day. The banners were changed out only about four times a year and were always hung around 8 a.m. before the museum opened. I would bring a box of donuts for the crew that was hanging the banners and sat on the front steps to watch the magic happen.
WIllow Creek Community Church recently went through a difficult time, and they wanted a new brand to restart their ministry. As the Creative Director on this project, I worked with an outside design firm to develop a new brand. When I started the project, my motto was a new brand is not just a logo. My goal for the project was to create a new brand that combined a new set of values, a new brand voice as well as a new logo.
THE PATH - CHange doesn’t always come easy
At the beginning of the pandemic I was on a team that created a monthly giving program for World Relief called The Path. The Path is a community of donors that are on the journey to lasting change. It came with a robust email and SMS donor journey. I was the Lead Art Director on it as well as the person in charge of the website and the functionality of the month giving program (various donation forms, curated email lists and website design). For an introduction to the The Path, watch the video above, which I worked with a inhouse designer, a contracted filmmaker and my content director. Since we couldn’t travel, due to COVID, we curated selfie videos from our employees in the U.S. as well as on the field around the world including Africa, Haiti and Cambodia.